Looking for further ways to get involved or connect with smaller groups of people?  Have a specific skill, talent, or passion that you would like to share? Consider participating in one of our ministries.

We are always listening for different opportunities to share God's love and grace with each other and the community. If you have an idea for a project, program, partnership, or new ministry, please let us know through the Ministry Idea form.

Ministry Idea Form


    The Congregational Council oversees the life and activities of the congregation including worship, faith formation, human resources and policies, financial resources and stewardship, congregational engagement, and the health of our ministries. 


    Arts and Media provides the opportunity to document our congregational life, worship through artistic expression, and to inform, engage, and share God’s love and grace and the ministry of Lord of Life with our local and global community through social media.

  • Facilities

    The Facilities Ministry organizes the care and maintenance of our buildings and grounds. The beautiful setting and well-kept buildings provide a welcoming place for us to worship, the Lord of Life Preschool to operate, and for neighborhood organizations to gather and have events.

  • Community

    The Fellowship Ministry provides opportunities for our community to gather, develop friendships, and encourage each other in our faith. Fun is never in short supply at the meals, picnics, movie and games nights and outings they plan each year.

  • Lord of Life PReschool

    The Lord of Life preschool has served the young children of the Renton Highlands for over forty years. Learn more here.

  • Caring for God's creation

    From collecting food and clothing for the homeless in Renton to sending quilts and care kits around the world, the Outreach Ministry puts our faith into action as we serve and engage our local and global community.

  • Worship

    The Worship Team plans and curates our weekly worship services where we gather as the people of God to encounter His word and share a meal at the Lord's table. Following the liturgical calendar, they also plan services to highlight Lent, Holy Week, and Advent.

  • youth

    Our Youth Team provides the opportunity for our 6th through 12th graders to gather with friends for fellowship, to learn about and develop their faith, and to serve the community. They join with the youth from Shepherd of the Valley for Faith Thinking (confirmation classes) and continue to grow together at retreats, fun and service events, multi-day service trips during the summer, and going to the ELCA National Youth Gathering.