Thank you for your interest in helping lead the carol singing for our Christmas Eve Candlelight service. Your recording will be mixed with all of the other recordings. No solos. During the service, the carols will play in the background while the lyrics are on the screen. Please note the special directions for Silent Night.
The carols we will sing are:
O Come, All Ye Faithful – verses 1, 2, and 3
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Silent Night
Joy to the World – verses 1 and 4
There are two main options for recording. You can video yourself and I will pull the audio from the video, or you can use a voice memo app on your phone or computer to record.
You can of course use recording software like GarageBand or Audacity if that is something you are used to using but is not necessary. If you do go that route, please record without any effects, reverb, etc.
When you record, you will listen to the backing tracks through headphones or earbuds, but you will only record your voice. Your recording will not have the music in the background. I will add it to the finished recording.
How to Record
For Audio Recording
It is easiest to record using two devices. Any combination of smartphone, tablet, and computer (that has a built-in or external mic) will work. If you use Zoom, FaceTime, or another platform like that, then you have a mic that will work. I used my iPhone to listen to the background track through an earbud, and recorded the singing with my laptop.
Print the lyric book and have the lyrics for the song you want to record ready.
Find a very quiet place to record.
- Connect earbuds or headphones to the device that you will have play the backing track in your ear. On that device, bring up this webpage and scroll down to the song choices. Make sure the volume is loud enough for you to hear while singing.
- On your other device/computer, bring up Voice Memo or whichever app you are using to record. Once you are set, start a new recording.
- On your earphone device, start the music of the backing track from the webpage and sing along. There is a brief musical intro to each song.
- When you are done, wait a few seconds and then stop the recording.
Yes, it will sound weird to listen back to your singing without the accompaniment.
For Video Recording
- Find a very quiet place to record.
- Set up your phone on a tripod or have someone carefully hold the phone to record you. Please record with your phone horizontal or landscape, not vertical. Or if you have a high quality webcam, that will also work. In Windows 10, you can record using the built in Camera App. Launch Camera App and click the video camera symbol on the right side. On a Mac, you can use the built in Quicktime app. Launch Quicktime and go to File=> New Movie Recording
- Connect earbuds or headphones to the device that you will have play the backing track. On that device, bring up this webpage and scroll down to the song choices. Make sure the volume is loud enough for you to hear while singing.
- Have your lyrics ready.
- Start recording the video.
- Start the music of the backing track from the website and sing along.
- When you are done, hold still a few moments and then stop your recording.
Don't worry, I will edit out extra sound, time, and/or running back and forth before and after the song. It will not be part of the finished recording.
Special Instructions for Silent Night
We would love to have Silent Night be video with the singing done by candlelight. You can hold a candle or have candles and/or your Christmas tree with you. The videos will be mosaiced with the lyrics along the bottom. If you are not comfortable with video, an audio only recording can still be added to Silent Night.
Here is a sample of my recording for Joy to the World as recorded while listening to the backing track.
Here is a sample of Joy to the World after I add the backing track.
Here is a sample of my video for Silent Night. We had the lyrics zoomed big on an iPad just below the camera.
If you have not previously filled out a media release form, please do so and submit it with your recordings and video.
If you have any questions or need help, please reach out to Nathan at
Recordings are due by December 16. Thank you for your help in making this happen!
Lyrics Bundle of All Four Songs
Sheet Music Bundle of All Four Songs
Backing Tracks
O Come, All Ye Faithful Backing Track
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing Backing Track
Joy to the World Backing Track