We offer Sunday School classes for children ages 3 through 5th grade throughout the school year during our 9:30 a.m. Worship Service.  Children start in worship, leave for Sunday school after the Children's Sermon, and rejoin their families during the Sharing of the Peace so they can participate in communion. 

There are no Sunday school classes on the first Sunday of each month so that families can worship together. On Family Worship Sundays, clipboards with a pen and crayons are provided for the children with activity worksheets directly related to the week’s liturgical readings and themes. Worksheets are designed and leveled for both pre-readers and readers.

The Sunday School offering given each week supports the education fund of Casa De Fe in Shell, Ecuador. 

CLICK HERE to fill out a Sunday School Registration Form.

Our Youth Ministry provides the opportunity for our 6th through 12th graders to gather with friends for fellowship, to learn about and develop their faith, and to serve the community. 

Our youth enjoy serving as music leaders, group leaders, and helpers in our yearly VBS. They join with the youth from Shepherd of the Valley for Faith Thinking (confirmation classes) and continue to grow together at retreats, fun and service events, multi-day service trips during the summer, and going to the ELCA National Youth Gathering.