OUTREAch and Partners

Read about our outreach ministries and organizations that we are thankful and excited to partner with serving our neighborhood, region, and beyond.

  • American Foundation for Suicide prevention

    AFSP is the nation’s leading organization bringing together people across communities and backgrounds to understand and prevent suicide, and to help heal the pain it causes. Individuals, families, and communities who have been personally touched by suicide are the moving force behind everything they do. We support AFSP through our Benevolence of the Month.

    If you are having thoughts of suicide please text TALK to 741741

    dial 800-273-8255

    or go to suicidepreventionlifeline.org.

  • Compass housing alliance

    The Compass Housing Alliance provides a wide range of services and housing options for homeless and low-income individuals and families in the Puget Sound region.  Lord of Life has had a strong connection with this ministry for many years.  Services offered on site by trained staff include counseling, case management, educational and support groups, child and youth programming, a computer lab/library, referrals and linkage to a range of community based organizations and veterans programs. Each year we provide quilts and send a financial gift through our Benevolence of the Month. 

  • Lord of life good samaritan fund

    This fund is used to assist our church family and others in our local community in times of need. The fund is entirely supported by your donations and is administered by a small committee at Lord of Life, including the Pastor.  If you have questions or a need, please don't hesitate to speak with the Pastor.

  • Lord of life preschool

    The Lord of Life Preschool has served the young children of the Renton Highlands for over forty years!  Learn more here.

  • Lord of life scholarship

    For over 30 years the Lord of Life congregation has been supporting the development of our youth through the Lord of Life Scholarship Program.  As a result of the generosity of the congregation and the thoughtful stewardship of the committee, scholarship amounts have slowly risen over the years and the funds held for the future have been maintained or increased each year. 

  • Luther's Table

    Luther's Table has been a beloved part of the Renton community for many years, providing a space for people to gather, connect, and be nourished by fellowship and faith. They have entered a new season of visioning and discernment to reimagine their purpose and mission to continue to be a place of grace, hospitality, and transformation. We look forward to joining with our neighboring Lutheran, faith, and community organizations as we continue on this journey with Luther's Table.

  • Reach

    REACH (Renton Ecumenical Association of Churches) is a coalition of churches and faith groups dedicated to offering themselves to each other and the Renton community in support of compassionate, healthy and sustainable ways of living together, and allying with and advocating for those whose dignity and worth is compromised through lack of resources. REACH is structured around two programs: the Reach Center of Hope, a shelter for women and families, and the Renton Meal Coalition. We support REACH through our Benevolence of the Month and through food and other donations outlined below.

  • REACH: Center of hope

    The REACH Center of Hope offers shelter to homeless families, helping them move from homelessness to stability by working with partner agencies for resources. We support the Center of Hope through the Benevolence of the Month, material donation drives, and our annual Wrapped in Warmth Christmas Tree.

  • cereal sunday

    On the first Sunday of each month we collect cold, non-sugary cereal to be used to feed the homeless during the daily breakfasts hosted by the Renton Meal Coalition. 

  • REACH: Renton Meal Coalition - Grace Feast

    In December 2012, we accepted the Renton Meal Coalition’s request to help provide a Sunday meal for the hungry in Renton.  We partnered with Cross and Crown Lutheran and Nativity Lutheran Churches and called our meal Grace Feast.  Our churches have each prepared and served a hot meal the second Sunday of the month four times a year. In 2023, the Renton Meal Coalition lost its location to serve meals to the homeless, so we transitioned and are currently serving meals to the overnight residents at the Center of Hope. Lord of Life provides meals and servers once a quarter.  Keep watch for opportunities to bring food items, cook, or serve.  Funds raised will be used to assist the Renton Meal Coalition in this work.  

  • Salvation Army Renton rotary Food bank

    In an effort to support those in our community who are hungry the Outreach Ministry collects food items year round to be delivered at the Salvation Army Renton Rotary Food Bank.  Each month over 1,500 families visit this facility and need our help!

    The following items are always in short supply and welcome donations:

    • Rice
    • Pasta
    • Canned Fruit
    • Canned Vegetables
    • Canned Tuna
    • Canned Beans
    • Peanut Butter
    • Breakfast Cereal

    Simply bring your items to church and leave them in the blue basket in the Nathex! 

  • Vision house

    Vision House was founded to reach and support single moms with kids at risk of ending up on the streets.  They have been providing transitional housing with support services for the past 30 years to help families experiencing homelessness move from crisis, to stability and self-sufficiency.  The ministry has grown from serving two single mothers and their kids at one time to now serving over 300 families a year, supporting single mothers, single fathers, and two-parent families.  We support Vision House through our Benevolence of the Month and material donations.

Global Partnerships

  • living water

    On the first Sunday of the month we collect spare change for Living Water. We pool our coin donations with two other churches and, when $500 is collected, it is sent to Operation Hope in Eswatini. Operation Hope uses the money to buy and install a Jojo, a large above-ground "rain barrel", at the home of an impoverished family that does not have running water and are unable to walk the long distance to get water from a well or watering hole. Look for the tin bucket on the way into the sanctuary.

  • Lutheran World Relief

    LWR is a non-profit organization that works with local partners to provide lasting solutions to poverty, injustice and human suffering around the world.  In 2019, LWR directly helped 39,937, 702 people in 41 countries via 139 projects.  LOL assists in this effort through our Benevolence of the Month, making quilts and donating items for and assembling baby care kits and backpacks of school supplies.

  • LWR: Quilts

    One way we support the work of Lutheran World Relief is by sewing quilts and making kits to be sent around the globe.  You can join us by purchasing items for the kits or working with the quilting team.  Watch the bulletin boards, newsletter and The Weekly to find specific quilting days or items we are currently collecting. When you make and send a Quilt, you are not only comforting someone you have never met, but providing an object that is useful in ways you probably never imagined. In addition to being a cozy, clean new bed cover, it can be:

    • a baby carrier, tied around a mother’s back;
    • a market display, spread on the ground and piled with vegetables;
    • a sack for transporting those goods to market;
    • a sunshade;
    • a shawl;
    • and most importantly a constant reminder that someone, far away, cares a lot. 
  • LWR: school kits

    Why school supplies? To the children who receive School Kits, these supplies mean the difference between getting an education or not. Public school is usually free, but in the places where LWR works, even a few required supplies, like pens and paper, may be more than many families can afford. And when parents can only afford to send one of their children to school, girls rarely get priority…yet the education level of mothers has the biggest impact on development.

  • LWR: baby kits

    A Baby Care Kit from LWR is like a promise. It says to that baby, your needs will not be neglected by this world. You matter to us. When you send Baby Care Kits, you provide encouragement by welcoming these little ones into an international community that cares.

  • Maasae girls Lutheran secondary school, Tanzania

    MaaSAE Girl's Lutheran Secondary School was founded to provide an opportunity for secondary education for the daughters of the Maasai and other semi-nomadic people of Tanzania. Today, 360 girls from mostly rural backgrounds are part of this nurturing and supportive educational community. In 2020, MGLSS celebrated  its 25th anniversary, and in that time more than 800 girls have graduated from the school. Most of these graduated have gone on to achieve college education, surpassing the educational level of 97% of Tanzanians.  Among their graduates are doctors, nurses, teachers, architects, city planners, wildlife conservation specialists, pilots, and more.  These young women are using their education to build a better Tanzania for future generations. We support the MGLSS through the Benevolence of the Month.

  • Casa de fe, Ecuador

    Located in Shell, Ecuador, Casa de Fe was formed in 2005 in response to the need for a loving, nurturing environment for neglected, abused and abandoned children in the jungle region of Ecuador. Casa de Fe cares for an average of 50 children, many of whom have special needs. Their educational needs are met in local schools, and that requires school supplies, uniforms, shoes and transportation. Our donations will go to their education fund. We support Casa de Fe through the Benevolence of the Month and our VBS and Sunday school offering.